student blog

Sat, 05 Feb, 2022

Poem Time

By Prisha Agrawal

The Time


The clock struck 12,

the dog went to Pray,

He slept right there,

And he snored and snored,

And snored and snored.


The spoon got up,

went to the dog,

And screamed, "Get up!"

The dog wet on,

snoring and snoring.


The clock struck 1,

The dog got up,

He screamed out loud,

How do I Pray?

The dog started crying.


The dolls started dancing,

The ball started singing,

And the dog started weeping,

Weep... Weep,

What do I do?


The clock started laughing,

I don't wait,

Anyone can say,


No, no, no, no I won't wait.


You naughty Clock,

Said the dog,

You won't wait for me?

If you won't wait for me,

You won't work for miss!


The clock struck 2,

Miss came out,

The spoon ran away,

The clock stopped talking

The dog started shivering.


Dog where are you?

Little miss asked.

Why are you hiding?

Have you done your prayer?

Naughty dog come out!


Yes little Miss,

Lied the dog,

I have done my little prayer,

The doll came to life,

The spoon came back.


The doll gave him one,

On his back,

The spoon gave him one,

On his back,

The dog was very, very sorry.


Little miss was laughing,

By this sight,

She clapped her hands,

And grinned very wide,

She loved her dog!


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