
Mon, 23 May, 2022

Does Owning a Business Leave You Feeling Isolated?



stressed young businessman overworking

Entrepreneurs tend to be some of the most driven and dedicated people while working towards their business goals. While this is great for achieving those goals, owning a business can often make you feel isolated and lonely. Moreover, the constant pressure to achieve your goals can increase stress levels to an unmanageable degree, ultimately affecting your business.

Often, it is our greatest strengths that can be our greatest weaknesses. Isolation is inevitable in a business, but entrepreneurs need to understand that it can be combated.

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Why Owning A Business Can Leave You Feeling Isolated

A young stressed businessman

Entrepreneurs tend to automatically isolate themselves when their business is just starting. They often weigh their success against everything they might have lost in the process. However, in the long term, this is not healthy - for the businessman, or the business. Isolation adds to mental stress and can adversely affect your business. While entrepreneurs should make their business their priority, they should not forget the importance of human companionship.

Entrepreneurs put a lot of pressure on themselves to achieve their goals. While this can be healthy, they often forget that others can be a part of their journey as well, which can make them feel isolated. Most entrepreneurs assume that no one truly understands anything about their work. 

At first, they are willing to talk about their ideas; however, after a point, they tend to think that their friends and family do not understand them. This stops them from sharing their concerns and achievements, ultimately leading to mental isolation if not physical as well.

Most people might be unaware that once you stop talking to people, you tend to forget how to. Part of owning a business is creating connections. However, the longer an entrepreneur goes without human companionship, the harder it gets to form connections.

It Doesn’t Always Have To Be The Case

Isolation for entrepreneurs can become a very stressful cycle. The only way to truly break it is to force yourself to talk to others. This might include casual conversations with friends or addressing your concerns with your business with another business owner. Owning a business can leave you feeling isolated. However, if you recognize the signs early, it is wholly preventable.

For information on various careers and other topics, visit PlanetSpark. PlanetSpark provides content on public speaking, creative writing, communication and personality development.


  1. Is owning a business difficult?

Owning a business can be a very difficult and lonely journey; however, it is important to keep your goals in mind while maintaining your relationships with other people. A good balance can make owning a business a very rewarding experience.

  1. How do entrepreneurs deal with loneliness?

The best way an entrepreneur can deal with isolation is to go out of their way to seek human contact and companionship.

  1. Can friends and family support an entrepreneur?

While friends and family might not understand the details of your business, they can provide emotional and mental support on your journey to success.

  1. Is it good to have conversations with other entrepreneurs?

Conversations with other entrepreneurs not only ease the burden of loneliness but also help you think creatively and innovate.

The entrepreneurial spirit is important to bring change to the world. At PlanetSpark, we help students develop their skills in public speaking, communication, and creative thinking–each one an important skill for an entrepreneur.

  1. Does owning a business always leave you feeling isolated?

No, while it can take up a lot of your time, which can lead to isolation,  you have to prioritise your mental well-being and ensure that you take the steps you need to, to be able to have a normal social life. 

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